Roundtable Discussion with UCSD Undergrads at the QI Summer Scholar Faculty/Student Mixer

Dr. Baker participated in roundtable discussions with the UCSD undergraduate students as part of the Qualcomm Institute (QI) Summer Scholar Faculty/Student Mixer. Some of the topic discussions topics were obtaining fellowships, applying to graduate programs, choosing an advisor, Students came from the programs below:

  • American Heart Association Undergrad Fellows
  • California Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participating (CAMP)
  • ECE Student Research Internship Program
  • Genentech Foundation Scholars
  • Institute for Mexicans Abroad Scholarships (IME-Becas) Program
  • Ronald E. McNair Program
  • UCSD Summer Transfer Ahead Research Training (START) Program
  • UC Scholars Program
  • UCSD Undergraduate Research Scholars (URS) Program

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Corey Baker

Corey E. Baker is an Assistant Professor in the Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. His research interests are in the area of full stack systems for distributing, protecting, and authenticating data in opportunistic networking scenarios for rural remote patient monitoring, smart cities, and natural disasters to improve the livelihood of people.
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