Shina’s paper selected as top paper at IEEE WONS 2021

Shina’s paper Enabling opportunistic low-cost smart cities by using tactical edge node placement, was was selected in the short list of “top papers” and will be fast tracked in a special issue of Elsevier Computer Communications (COMCOM) Journal at the IEEE/IFIP Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference (WONS)


Co-authors of the paper are: Esther Max-Onakpoya, Greg Erhardt, and Corey E. Baker


More info about the top paper selection is on the Department of Computer Science website.


Congratulations Shina!


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Corey Baker

Corey E. Baker is an Assistant Professor in the Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. His research interests are in the area of full stack systems for distributing, protecting, and authenticating data in opportunistic networking scenarios for rural remote patient monitoring, smart cities, and natural disasters to improve the livelihood of people.
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