
Considerations for Designing Private and Inexpensive Smart Cities

ICWMC 2020-2020 IARIA The Sixteenth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC), 2020
DeHart, Jasmine and Baker, Corey E and Grant, C
Publisher's website BibTeX

Optimizing Edge Connectivity Post Natural Disaster using UAVs

In Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, 2020
Grooms, Xava and Baker, Corey E
Publisher's website BibTeX

Augmenting Cloud Connectivity with Opportunistic Networks for Rural Remote Patient Monitoring

IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2020 (Acceptance: 24.9%)
Max-Onakpoya, Esther and Madamori, Oluwashina and Grant, Faren and Vanderpool, Robin and Chih, Ming-Yuan and Ahern, David K and Aronoff-Spencer, Eliah and Baker, Corey E
Publisher's website BibTeX

Barn-Raising on the Digital Frontier: The L.A.U.N.C.H. Collaborative

Journal of Appalachian Health, 2020
Hesse, Bradford W. and Ahern, David and Ellison, Michele and Aronoff-Spencer, Eliah and Vanderpool, Robin C. and Onyeije, Karen and Gibbons, Michael C. and Mullett, Timothy W. and Chih, Ming-Yuan and Attencio, Victoria and Patterson, Grant and Boten, Jessica and Hartshorn, Christopher and Bartolome, Ben and Gorscak, Katie and McComsey, Melanie and Hubenko, Alexandra and Huang, Bin and Baker, Corey and Norman, Don
Publisher's website BibTeX

Denial of Service Detection & Mitigation Scheme Using Responsive Autonomic Virtual Networks (RAvN)

IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 2019
Starke, Allen and Nei, Zixiang and Hodges, Morgan and Baker, Corey and McNair, Janise
Publisher's website BibTeX

Scaling Blockchains to Support Electronic Health Records for Hospital Systems

IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), 2019
Donawa, Alyssa and Orukari, Inema and Baker, Corey E
Publisher's website BibTeX

Utilizing Opportunistic Social Networks for Remote Patient Monitoring in Rural Areas

ACM International Workshop on Technology Enablers and Innovative Applications for Smart Cities, 2019
Max-Onakpoya, Esther and Madamori, Oluwashina and Baker, Corey E
Publisher's website BibTeX

Using Delay Tolerant Networks as a Backbone for Low-Cost Smart Cities

IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 2019
O. Madamori and E. Max-Onakpoya and C. Grant and C. Baker
Publisher's website BibTeX

An Opportunistic mHealth Architecture for Remote Patient Monitoring

In Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, 2019
Max-Onakpoya, Esther and Jacobs, Aggrey and Baker, Corey E.
Publisher's website BibTeX

In Vivo Evaluation of the Secure Opportunistic Schemes Middleware

IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2017 (Acceptance: 15%)
Baker, Corey E and Starke, Allen and Hill-Jarrett, Tanisha G and McNair, Janise
Publisher's website BibTeX